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Request Information



Flutec LE12 and LE15 materials are solutions of a low molecular weight perfluorocarbon oligomer in a low boiling-point, volatile perfluorocarbon liquid.

Flutec LE12 and LE15 are clear, have very low surface energies and high contact-angles with water.

They are highly chemically-resistant to most liquids and solutions not containing fluorine atoms and will repel a variety of oils, lubricants and aqueous solutions of high and low pH.

Coatings remain flexible at low temperatures and melt between 60℃. and 80℃.


Films cast from FLUTEC LE12 and FLUTEC LE15


Items and surfaces coated or impregnated with FLUTEC LE12 and FLUTEC LE15 are simultaneously hydrophobic and oleophobic. This means that the solutions can be used for:-

  • Protecting fully-assembled printed circuit boards and other electronics assemblies against condensed,
    atmospheric moisture.
    Areas:- External assemblies, intruder alarms, traffic systems, sea-going electronics, agricultural electronics.

  • Impregnating / coating woven and non-woven fibres for protection against water and chemicals.
    Areas:- Paper for pet-food container, book protection, coating filter media.

  • Coating applicator jets and nozzles to prevent clogging and to control shapes of droplets.
    Areas:- Ink-jet printers, adhesive applicators.

  • Preventing migration of a large range of oils, lubricants, fluxes and inks into areas where they are not required.
    Areas:- Bearing-races, various containers (to ensure complete drainage), adhesive-joining “overspill”.

  • Releasing resin mouldings from their moulds.
    Areas:- ‘Cold-cast1 resins, RTV-silicones.

  • Application Methods

    Depending upon the specific use, ‘FLUTEC’ LE12 and ‘FLUTEC’ LE15 coatings can be applied by:

    • Dipping
    • Spraying.
    • Brushing.
    • Flood-Coating.
    • Curtain-Coating.
    • K-bar Coating.
    • Hypodermic or other nozzle ‘spotting’.

    • Dipping, where practical, is preferred as equipment is available commercially which handles parts automatically and effectively recovers the solvent during drying of the coating.

      Note: where feasible, recovered solvent can be returned to F2 Chemicals for re-use.

      Post-baking of dried films is not necessary.

      Application equipment can be cleaned with any of the range of FLUTEC perfluorocarbon liquids.


      Typical Physical Properties
      Form Mobile Liquid
      Solids content 2% w/w (LE12) 5% w/w (LE15)
      Appearance Colourless liquid
      Specific Gravity 1.7
      Flash Point None
      Surface Energy of dry film 18-19 dynes cm-1
      Contact angle (DI water)110∘

      Handling and Storage

      ‘FLUTEC’ LE12 and LE15 should be stored in a cool area and preferably in their tightly-closed original containers. There are no hazards involved in handling either material. Refer to the current Material Safety Data Sheet.


      ‘FLUTEC’ LE12 and ‘FLUTEC’ LE15 are available in 5Kg containers. Larger containers are available on request.

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