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Synonyms: Perfluoro-1,3-diethylcyclohexane

CAS Number:355-23-9

Description & Characteristics

Perfluoro-1,3-diethylcyclohexane, C10F20 is a fully-fluorinated, odourless, colourless liquid with the following characteristics:

  • Compatibility with most construction materials
  • Excellent chemical and thermal stability
  • Non flammability
  • Practically non-toxic1
  • Applications

    Perfluoro-1,3-diethylcyclohexane is used as a tracer and taggant under the trade name of Flutec TG m-PDECH.

    Safety, Handling and Storage

    Although Perfluoro-1,3-diethylcyclohexane is considered biologically and chemically inert, good laboratory practice should be observed when handling. Perfluoro-1,3-diethylcyclohexane has an indefinite shelf life if properly stored in its original sealed container. Safety data sheets are available on request.

    Typical Physical Properties
    Boiling Point ℃ 142
    Molecular weight 500
    Density, g/l 1.91

    Please note this is a new product and we are currently testing physical properties

    Temperature dependant properties are quoted at 25℃ unless otherwise stated. The above typical physical properties, in no way form or represent product specification.

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